In an integral collaboration with Clark County Nevada, our consultancy was given the mandate of developing an application rationalization plan for the county’s government agencies. The mission was vast and vital: to methodically document and evaluate all systems, then determine their future pathways based on strategies to Maintain, Enhance, or Retire.
Areas of Strategic Focus
Enterprise Architecture: Central to our engagement was the disciplined study and understanding of the broader Enterprise Architecture. This provided the necessary context and structure for our subsequent evaluations and recommendations.
Application Assessment & Rationalization: Our core task involved an exhaustive documentation and assessment of all operational systems within the county’s government agencies. This enabled us to provide data-driven recommendations for each application’s future trajectory, be it maintenance, enhancement, or retirement.
Transitioning IT staff from a decentralized model spread across District Offices into a centralized IT Division presented multifaceted challenges. From maintaining service continuity to ensuring staff adaptation and preserving institutional knowledge, the initiative required a well-orchestrated approach.

Strategic Approach
Our methodology revolved around a comprehensive understanding of Clark County Nevada’s Enterprise Architecture. By meticulously documenting all systems, we were then able to assess their current state, utility, and potential future value. This grounded, structured approach allowed us to make informed recommendations.

Impact & Outcome
The fruits of our collaboration with Clark County Nevada were both clear and impactful. Our completed application rationalization plan recommended the retirement of 28% of the current applications. This stands as a testament to the depth of our assessment and the strategic value our consultancy brought to the table.