Bank of the West, a prestigious financial institution, engaged our consultancy to instill a culture of Continuous Improvement amidst a challenging backdrop. The bank grappled with a 50% surge in workload volumes, yet without the luxury of adding additional personnel. Our mandate: To implement strategies that would not only accommodate this surge but also enhance overall operational efficiency.
Areas of Strategic Focus
Process Mapping & Analysis: Understanding and refining the bank’s existing processes was foundational to identifying opportunities for efficiency gains and workflow optimizations.
Workload Balance & Efficiency Metrics: In an environment with fixed personnel resources, achieving a balanced workload, adhering to Takt time, and segregating Value-Added from Non-Value-Added activities became pivotal.
Performance Monitoring: Introducing a comprehensive Dashboarding/Performance Measurement system was integral to ensure the bank could monitor, iterate, and sustain improvements over time.
The landscape was clear and formidable: manage a substantial increase in workload without the ability to proportionally increase the workforce. This scenario required a paradigm shift, moving away from traditional banking operations to a model rooted in continuous improvement and efficiency.

Strategic Approach
Utilizing a Kaizen event, a methodology renowned for driving rapid improvements, we encompassed various tools and techniques such as flow analysis, Balanced Workload strategies, VA/NVA analysis, and more. Every facet of the bank’s operations was meticulously analyzed, refined, and optimized to meet the demands of the increased volume.

Impact & Outcome
Our collaborative endeavor with Bank of the West yielded remarkable results. Productivity soared by over 50%, enabling the bank to comfortably absorb the increased volume. Most notably, this significant uptick in efficiency did not come at the expense of quality; the bank continued to uphold and even exceed its quality commitments.