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Total Experience

Unleash Your Potential. Shape Your Future.


At Kaeppel Consulting, we are dedicated to helping organizations achieve operational excellence. Our comprehensive services are designed to optimize business processes, enhance efficiency, and drive sustainable growth. By leveraging Lean Six Sigma methodologies and our deep industry expertise, we empower your workforce to deliver exceptional performance and continuous improvement.

Understanding Total Experience Benefits

Total Experience (TX) is a holistic approach that intertwines Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), and User Experience (UX) to deliver superior, interconnected experiences across all aspects of an organization. This comprehensive strategy acknowledges that the experiences of customers, employees, and users are deeply interrelated and that enhancing one aspect positively impacts the others. By integrating these elements, businesses can create a cohesive and compelling brand experience that drives satisfaction, loyalty, and growth.

Customer Experience (CX) focuses on the overall perception customers have of a brand based on their interactions across all touchpoints. Research from Gartner shows that 80% of organizations expect to compete primarily on the basis of CX. Enhancing CX can lead to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, which are critical for sustaining business growth. Leading companies like Amazon, Apple, and Disney have set the benchmark for CX with their customer-centric strategies and consistent delivery of exceptional experiences. For instance:

  • Personalized Interactions: Amazon’s use of data analytics to offer tailored recommendations and promotions has contributed to an 80% increase in revenue for customer-centric companies​ (Gartner)​​.
  • Seamless Omnichannel Experience: Apple ensures a consistent and integrated customer service experience across its physical stores, online platforms, and mobile apps, leading to a 60% higher profit for brands focusing on CX​.
  • Proactive Support: Disney’s implementation of AI-driven chatbots and proactive customer service strategies helps in anticipating guest needs and offering real-time assistance, improving customer satisfaction significantly​ (Gartner)​.

Employee Experience (EX) encompasses the journey an employee takes within an organization, including all interactions and perceptions that shape their engagement and productivity. According to Gartner, organizations that successfully improve EX can increase revenue by up to 50%. Fostering a positive EX can result in lower turnover rates, higher employee morale, and increased performance. Companies like Google, Salesforce, and LinkedIn are renowned for their innovative EX initiatives that prioritize employee well-being and development. Key strategies include:

  • Continuous Feedback Systems: Google utilizes tools to gather and act on employee feedback regularly, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and enhancing productivity.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Salesforce offers robust training programs and clear career progression paths, contributing to improved employee engagement and retention.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: LinkedIn provides options for remote work and flexible hours, promoting a healthy work-life balance and boosting employee morale.

User Experience (UX) refers to the overall experience a user has when interacting with a product or service, particularly digital interfaces. Gartner’s research indicates that 88% of organizations prioritize UX in their digital transformations to stay competitive. Enhancing UX can lead to higher user satisfaction, increased usage, and stronger brand loyalty. Microsoft, Airbnb, and Tesla are celebrated for their intuitive and user-centric designs that enhance overall usability and engagement. Effective UX strategies might include:

  • Intuitive Design: Microsoft’s user-friendly interfaces, designed to be easy to navigate and understand, have significantly improved user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Responsive Performance: Airbnb ensures fast load times and optimal performance across devices, providing a seamless experience for users booking accommodations, resulting in higher customer loyalty.
  • User-Centered Research: Tesla conducts extensive usability testing and incorporates user feedback into design iterations, resulting in vehicles that delight customers with their innovative features and ease of use.

By the Numbers: Total Experience Impact

30% Customer Retention Increase

Embracing Total Experience (TX) is more than a trend; it’s a strategic imperative backed by compelling data. In recent years, studies have shown a direct correlation between comprehensive experience strategies and significant business outcomes. For instance, a 2023 Forrester report highlighted that companies prioritizing TX see a 30% increase in customer retention rates compared to those focusing on individual experience domains like Customer Experience (CX) alone.

40% Boost in Employee Productivity

Moreover, according to a Gartner analysis, businesses that adopt a TX strategy report a 40% improvement in employee productivity. This is because TX aligns and enhances the Employee Experience (EX), making staff more engaged and efficient, which in turn positively impacts the customer and partner experiences.


1.5X Revenue vs Competitors

Also, consider the financial implications. A Harvard Business Review study found that companies excelling in TX achieve revenue growth at 1.5 times the rate of their competitors who lag in experience integration. This growth is attributed to the holistic approach TX takes, ensuring that all stakeholders – customers, employees, and partners – are not just satisfied, but delighted and deeply engaged with the brand.

86% of Buyers Pay More For a Great Experience

In a market where 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great experience, as per a PwC survey, the message is clear: Integrating and elevating all experience facets into a cohesive Total Experience strategy is not just beneficial; it’s essential for sustainable growth and market differentiation. Your company’s decision to prioritize TX is a decision to unlock higher customer loyalty, increased employee satisfaction, and stronger partner relationships, culminating in tangible business success.

Our Newest Offering: Digital Deep Dives

At Kaeppel Consulting, we are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our clients. Our newest offering, Digital Deep Dives, blends the methods of a Lean Kaizen Event with Google’s “Design Sprint” methodology to address the total experience and improve efficiencies while enhancing the customer experience. This innovative approach allows us to rapidly identify and solve critical business problems, driving immediate and impactful results.

Key Components:

  • Lean Kaizen Events: Focus on continuous improvement by eliminating waste and enhancing processes.
  • Design Sprints: Accelerate problem-solving with a structured five-phase process: Understand, Sketch, Decide, Prototype, and Validate.
  • Total Experience Focus: Improve all aspects of the experience, from customer interactions to internal processes, ensuring a holistic approach.


  • Rapid Implementation: Quickly identify and implement solutions to critical issues.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Create more engaging and efficient customer interactions.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamline processes and eliminate waste, boosting overall productivity.

Total Experience Case Studies

Multi-Industry Total Experience

We optimize the Total Experience in the energy sector by improving user interfaces and employee productivity, fostering innovation and sustainability.

By transforming student and administrative experiences, we elevate engagement and operational efficiency in higher education institutions.

Our TX strategies streamline manufacturing processes, improving product quality and operational efficiency.

We enhance the Total Experience in financial services by improving customer interactions and ensuring compliance through innovative digital solutions.


Our TX initiatives improve patient care and operational workflows, enhancing overall healthcare delivery.

We support tech companies with TX strategies that drive innovation and improve user and employee experiences.

Our TX solutions enhance supply chain operations, reduce costs, and improve delivery performance in the logistics sector.

Trust, Experience, Knowledge & Speed

Adopt Total Experience Strategy.